• Planning for College Costs

    The cost of sending a child to college is increasing and shows very few signs of slowing. Average costs have almost doubled over the past few years.  And, do not forget to include additional costs of books, transportation and entertainment.

    Starting to save early is critical and like any saving goal, the sooner you start and the more you save, the more you will have when you need it.

    Section 529 College Savings Plans is an easy investment that will last a life time.  

    529's can be used for Private elementary all the way through high school. 

    There are special provisions to allow of up to five years of contributions to be made without gift taxes. Withdrawals used for qualified educational purposes are excluded from federal income taxation.

    An account can be opened with a minimum of $250.

    We also offer a flexible start option of $50 for 5 months to get you the starting required balance of $250.

    Developing a college saving habit can provide your children with the funds they need and provide you with the satisfaction of knowing that you are doing the right thing.

    Contact us today at (800) 851 -8549 or email us at [email protected].


    Calculate how much you need to save for college.


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