Card Security When Traveling
Travel with peace of mind.
- Call a Tech CU representative before you leave on a trip to let us know that you'll be traveling.
- We will put a note on your account, which the Card Member Security team will review in conjunction with any transactions made with your Tech CU Debit and Credit Cards.
- Keep in mind, however, that we may still elect to block your card for your protection.
For more information about this complimentary service, to report a lost or stolen card, or to report any suspected fraud on your Tech CU Debit or Credit Cards, send us a secure message or contact a Tech CU representative at (408) 451-9111 or (800) 553-0880.
After Tech CU business hours (M-F 8am to 6pm and Saturday 10am to 2pm), you may also contact the Card Member Security team directly at (888) 241-2440 or (909) 941-1034 from outside the U.S.